Sunday, July 11, 2010

Guess who tweeted me?

Yes, i have a twitter. (and now I'm excited I got one)

So two nights ago, I wrote a tweet that said something along the lines of his; "So @ATJogia (my fave actor ever) follows @eddieizzard (my fave comedian ever) dang, does dat boy gots taste!" And so later, Avan replied and said: "@Cerule9anAnnie Eddie izzard is brilliant" and i was genuinely excited. And no, it wasn't just a fake account,it WAS verified, so we're talking the real actor Avan Tudor Jogia. I practically killed my bed from jumping on it with excitement. I took pictures of my iTouch, so now hopefully I'll have that tweet with me forever.

Also, tonight I went to see Eclipse with my friend, Devany. I thought it was really good, in comparison to the first movie. And yes, I did cry when Jacob found out Bella was marrying Edward, because I'm just a softy like that. I hated seeing Jacob in pain, and when Carlisle was setting the bones, and he was screaming in agony, I cried too. I DO like Jacob better than Edward, but that doesn't mean I'm team Jacob. (although he is really good looking) But I'm team Jasper. He's been through so much more than all the others, and he has a much more interesting upbringing. (Plus, he is super sexy, and that accent makes him so much hotter)



  1. I know, right!? In comparisom to all of the other guys, Jasper is the most handsome! Edward looks constipated and is creepy!!!

  2. YES! Jasper is the most awesome!!! :DD
