Tuesday, July 20, 2010

something I've been wanted to get off my chest...

backstory time!:

"You see this?" he pointed to his nose and asked me.
I rolled my eyes, "yeah, what?"
"Do you know what this is?" It was his nose, duh.
"A bunch of red little dots?" I answered, annoyed. (i was referring to his multiple zits. cuz I'm mean like that.)
He rolled his eyes this time and said, "No, it's a nose." but before i could say duh, he said, "and it's shaped RIGHT."
I knew he was referring to my flat nose. I'm Asian, it's not one of those things I'd like to change about myself. But hey, he didn't need to go around saying my nose is oddly shaped.
Who is he to be insulting my race? Our noses AREN'T formed wrong, its just the way we are.
I'm sick of all the Asian stereotypes that people make up. Like, oh, you're Asian, you must be good at math and science. Oh, you're Asian, you must play piano/be really good at drawing/study too much/play tennis/ice skate. Not that those are necessarily bad things to do, but still.
And the whole squinty eyes thing. Again, it's who we are. I've had friends that do the whole pulling their eyes back to look Chinese thing. I also hate that when people just automatically think you're Chinese or Japanese if you look Asian. I am 100% Vietnamese, thank you very much. (well as far as i know. I'm adopted) And all the "Made in China" stuff. I read this quote somewhere that said, "Fake hair? Fake Tan? Fake boobs? Where's you're Made in China sticker?" I know, that a lot of products were made in China, but that doesn't mean they make fake things. I don't know, some people may see it as whatever, but i thought it was really stupid, and would not have it in any Polyvore set of mine.
And I've gotten a Vietnamese sweat shop joke once too. It hurt a little. Like gee, think about my feelings, thanks.
And i know a lot of my friends that are Asian deal with shit like this too. Some complain that people think they're goth, or need to smile more. actually, a lot complain about people telling them to smile more. I could make a list, but i don't feel like mentioning a whole bunch of names. My take on it: I'm concentrating. sorry, Mr. (English Teacher), that I don't smile when I'm listening to you read aloud or when I'm taking a Literature Test. And I'm sorry that I wore a black t-shirt that one day. My bad.
But seriously, I never really dealt with this in elementary school. I feel like it's getting worse as we're getting older. Like, as we get older we actually LOOSE that voice inside our heads that tell us right from wrong. I know, we probably get it back gradually as we become adults (and some don't) but what the fuck. (excuse my language) I'll admit to being a goth at some point in my life, but I grew up, and got over showing my depression through dark clothing persona. So back the fuck off.

I don't really know why all this is floating in my brain right now, but it's making me really frustrated. And I need to be awake in less than six hours to go to conditioning. So i thought I'd get it off my chest.

If i could cut time out, I'd skip right to August 8th (start of Asian adoptee camp. yeah. we gots our own camp.n_n) so I can go to camp for that week, then come back and have a week before school starts. The only reason i don't cut that week out, is because I want one last week to cram with laziness (oxymoron) and to go shopping with my best friend, Devany Howard. (She's going to the Asian adoptee camp with me. She was adopted from China.)


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