Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Opinion on Artificial Intelligence

So I was reading on the New York Times website, and I found a link to a video where a reporter was interviewing a robot. Even though the robot was like just the shoulders up. It was extremely creepy, you know... silicone face, fake hair, and robotic movements.. it was weird.
And then i got to thinking.
Why are these people wasting their times making robots? No one will need the top fourth of a robot body to do anything important... i mean, unless you aren't comfortable talking to yourself. But I think it's stupid that smart scientists waste their time creating something that will help less smart people do less with their lives. I mean, haven't those scientists ever watched those sci-fi movies? Why even create robots? There weren't any robots in the 1800s, people had to man up and fend for themselves.
It's not that I'm against moving forward, but seriously? All this technological advancement is pretty superfluous. Like, making robots to do everyday stuff, when you could just get up, ad do it yourself. Like, i think that reading books on like the iPad or something is kinda dumb. It's not that hard to ride your bike to the library, or walk. But people make all kind of excuses, like "but what if it's raining?" or "Why would i want to do that if i can do it right here on my living room couch?"
Sigh. I think our generation is becoming less and less active. I parents made me watch this tv special on how some adults think that our generation spends too much time with technology. (ironic, no?) But pretty much the entire show was about official-looking adults saying stuff about the pros and cons of teens and their electronics. (most of it was cons.) and then i thought, man, before you start thrashing our generation, ever stop to think about the generation that RAISED us? goodness.
sorry, this is a very opinionated post, i guess. feel free to disagree. (see how it rhymes? haha)



  1. Oh my god. I've had these exact thoughts on this subject before. It all freaks me out more than anything... the futuristic/contemporary technology. We don't send letters anymore, we email. People have started to read newspapers less and less and companies are going bankrupt because everyone uses the internet. It's sort of sad, and really frightening, because it's OUR generation. Technology like this has never been around before, so we don't know if there will be any long-term side effects or anything...

  2. not much i can say to that but HIGH FIVE! *Raises hand* glad to know I'm not alone
