Monday, July 19, 2010

To be honest...

I am so tired of summer. I want to go back to school. There! I said it! I don't like summer. I don't get a lot done, and honestly, I'm just a lazy stump all summer. I wish my school was like those schools that have school year-round, but have short breaks throughout the year. I think three months off of school is stupid!! Its like working out hard for three weeks, and doing absolutely nothing for the next week.. you think you're in shape, and you are compared to people who never work out, but after that one week of doing nothing, you are completely out of shape. I can guarantee 93% of the kids in my class won't do anything to stimulate their brains most of the summer. Me included. I haven't looked over any of my notes from the previous school year, or done any math exercises or anything like that. The only thing I've studied all summer is the zodiac, and i don't think they have any freshmen classes on astrology.
But don't get me wrong, I like breaks from school. I like not having homework, or having to think about people I don't particularly like, or studying for tests/quizzes/exams. But I just wish the breaks were more spread out. it doesn't make sense to spread nutella all over your toast except for a circle in the middle. i don't know, it may be just me and my opinion. (when you read opinion really fast, it looks like onion kinda.)

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