Monday, July 26, 2010

Preseason Begins...

Preseason started today. To be honest, it felt nice taking orders from someone other than Emily. And if it weren't so FRIGGIN hot outside, I probably would've enjoyed it more. n_n
I mean, the practice itself was better than running around in circles. But man, I wish there was a tree SOMEWHERE near that field for at least SOME shade.
We just started practice with dynamic stretches, then moved on to a whole bunch of passing drills and... not games, but... anyway, afterwards we started juggling (I got 4.) and by then, we were all sweating buckets. After that, though, everyone thought we were one because a lot of parents started showing up. So being as hot as we were, a lot of us drank a whole bunch of water. And then coach made us do sprints. Haha, so funny. We had to run the length of the field in 20 seconds and back in 40. It sounded really easy, but that heat started getting to all of us. we all started slowing down in the second round. But, I swear, no one in the world is slower than me. By the third round, (we were SUPPOSED to get a 10 second break, so I started tying my shoe, but the assistant coach told us to go while I was in the middle of tying the last knot. so i fell even further behind. Let's just say, I cam dead last. I was only a slight step above power walking. And just as everyone was leaving to go get more water, (I was like yes, I'd rather them not watch me come in last) the coach told them to stay and cheer for me. God, who does that? Like it was bad enough for me to come in last with all the parents onlooking from the hill, she had to make my friends (and people I haven't met yet) cheer me on, like I was some sort of pity player or something. you know, the one that never runs fast enough, juggles long enough, or contributes and put in as much effort as everyone else. I don't need any of their pity. Just because I can't run as fast as them, doesn't mean I'm not as good as them. gee.
So now i feel like shit, (because even after that, we still had to do more dynamic stretching) and I won't go list all the parts of me that hurt, but let's just say I am not looking forward to two more weeks of this.
I don't want to sound like a brat or anything, but I really wanted to go shopping today. I haven't gone shopping in the longest time, last time I actually went clothes shopping was in early June. And I haven't been to a Goodwill since March!
sigh I'm sorry this is so long.


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